Oct 9, 2021

Healing From Pandemic Exhaustion

Here we are, over a year since Covid changed the way we do business and the massage industry continues to struggle.  If you have a massage business in 2021 you are suffering from either lack of massage therapists willing to work while requests are pouring in, or you have therapists but requests have dwindled.  Either way, most likely your business is  barely making it.

What do we do now?  Why aren't massage therapists applying to the overflow of jobs hitting the market?  Why aren't most of our regulars returning to their wellness routines? How much longer can we keep our doors open?  These are some of  the questions circulating on the internet about the massage therapy industry, quite frankly the answers remain uncertain.  Maybe in some states this is not the case and its business as usual but rest assure many across the country don't share in the same blessing.

Massage Therapists all over the country are questioning if they should return to the field or give up their license all together, is it the mask mandate in certain states?  Is it unemployment benefits keeping them home?  Is it that they are also healing from pandemic exhaustion just like most of the world population and the thought of risking being in a closed room for an hour or more just elevates the anxiety that comes thinking of how Covid came to change every aspect of the business, and it still very much a present worry in many people's lives?  These are just more and more concerns and  questions that remain present toward the end of 2021.

So now, what will 2022 look like for massage therapy?  Hard to predict....

A Massage Spot

Back to normal, are we really?

If you are in the personal services business and miraculously managed to stay open after Covid, you may find yourself back to business as us...