Aug 21, 2021

So you want to go out on your own? Here are six tips to help


Working for yourself is not easy, in fact it is very risky but it also gives you a sense of accomplishment that you crave for. The issue is that many massage therapist do not have the skills required to run a business and find themselves juggling and learning by trial and error.  Here is some advice to get your entreprenuer imagination prepared for what is ahead.

When it comes down to opening your own business its easy to get enamored by the idea of what it would be like, the decor, the set up, welcoming clients and the ability to make your own schedule and running your business as you wish.  But what you dont learn in school is the ups and downs that are involved in taking such risks and how to prepare for it.  You learn how to massage clients, but unless you are a hustler and go spend a lot of time teaching yourself it is really hard to deal with all aspects of running your business regardless.  Here are six tips to help you along.

Find your NAICS number

Register your Trade name

Check with zoning about your location of choice, each town has their own guidelines

Do not count on clientele from the places you work at, It is unethical!

Be ready get paid last or not at all.

Once your business starts showing profit, talk to your accountant to file taxes as an S-corp and start paying yourself as an employee of your business.

While some of these things seem unimportant at the beginning, at one time or another it will be imperative to have had everything lined up from the start.

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